
Become a member of
Centre Stage Youth Theatre
How do I audition?
We hold auditions for New Members in September before we start on rehearsals & auditions for our main show. To express your interest in auditioning, please email Lizzy.
We ask auditionees to prepare a musical theatre song. Please bring sheet music or a backing track on a phone. We do not need to hear the full song, a verse & a chorus will do. Just make sure that your selection shows off your voice.​
We do not audition for acting alone, so we are looking for your ability to act through song.
We also teach the auditionees a dance which they perform as a group, so please wear clothing that you can move in.
Finally- please don't be too nervous! Our auditions are fairly informal, we are very friendly & we want you to have fun.

If you are successful in your audition, you will automatically become a member & will join the club at the following rehearsal.
Fees are payable bi-termly by BACS. You will receive an invoice by email.
We are an incredibly inclusive club & we strive for all of our members to feel valued, safe, nurtured & included. Therefore we expect that all club members treat each other & the production team with respect & kindness.